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Prisoner's Dilemma

The Prisoner's Dilemma is a particular problem (or game) in the field of Game Theory. The details of the game will be discussed in class.  The information below pertains only to this web-based Tournament software.

You will be asked to create a strategy (actually, up to 3 different strategies, if you want) using a tiny computer language that we've created for the occasion, called PDS (Prisoner's Dilemma Strategy language). 

For the PDS exercises and for the Tournament, the payoff matrix is:


Player 2

    Cooperate Defect

Player 1

Cooperate 3, 3 0, 5
Defect 5, 0 1,1

This means that in any particular move, if, for instance, Player 1 cooperates, and Player 2 defects, then Player 1 will get 0 points, and Player 2 will be 5 points.


Strategy: you will develop a strategy and then encode that strategy as a PDS program.  The terms "Player" and "Strategy" mean the same thing here.

Move: a single action in a game.  For instance, in one move, Player 1 defects and Player 2 cooperates.

Game: a sequence of moves between two particular players in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma.  For instance, a game may consist of 15 moves, at the end if which each player is given a total game score (sum of the move scores).

Tournament: a set of games wherein every strategy is pitted once against every other strategy.  That means that if there are 30 students, with each student submitting 3 strategies, there will be 90 different strategies competing against each other, and the tournament will consist of 90*89/2 = 4,005 games.