Libraries in Processing -- Presentations

Processing's libraries extend the capability of the language.  They are typically written and maintained by independent developers, and they are usually free to download and use (I haven't found any that cost).  The Video library we just downloaded is an example.

At some point, when some issues are worked out, BRC will also be released to the Processing community.

The Libraries Task will be to gather in groups of 3 (Period 3) or 2 (Period 4), select a library to explore, download and learn to use it, and then present the library to the class.  Each group's presentation will be about a different library.

Presentations should be about 12-15 min. showing the virtues (and drawbacks) of the library.  It should include one or more sketches you've created using the library.
Initial tasks -- by Wed, Feb 9, midnight
Create groups
Choose a candidate set of libraries you'd be interested in
Register your preferences here
  1. Create a group of 3 (period 3) or 2 (Period 4).  No solos.  If you do not have a partner or a group, I will assign you to one.
  2. Explore the libraries available. There's a huge list here for Processing 4.  Most of them are available as well for Processing 3 but you'll have to check.(
  3. You'll be downloading the libraries through Processing's method in the menu item Tools/Add tool/Libraries.
  4. Since each group must present a different library from other groups, choose 3 libraries and register them in preference order.
  5. Choose libraries that you're interested in working with.  Since there are multiple people in your group, fan out and explore.  Come back with gems and argue for them to produce your group's preference list of 3 libraries.
  6. Choose one person (henceforth called the "Librarian") from your group to register the group here.
  7. After all groups have registered, I will pick the library each group should present.
The date for each group's Presentations will be posted here (soon)