Solution to HW16: HTML Lists and Tables:

def loadCSVFile(filename):
    # Loads CSV from file, splits into list of lists, converts number columns to ints/floats
    # Returns list of lists
    #Load file, strip() off trailing newlines, split to lines
    f = open(filename, "r")
    lines ="\n")

    # Split again to get list of lists, or a table
    table = [] 
    for line in lines:
        row = line.split(",")
        table += [row]
    # Numbers not needed for this assignment, but this is a way you could do it:
    for row in table[1:]: # Don't convert header
            row[1] = float(row[1]) # wage
            row[2] = int(row[2]) #start date
            row[3] = int(row[3]) #end date
            print("ERROR: In row: {}, failed to int()/float() columns 1 2 or 3".format(row))
             # NOTE: will keep going on error, so numbers may not be fully converted
    return table

def makeHTMLList(words):
    # words is list of strings
    s = "<ol>\n"
    for word in words:
        s += "<li>{}</li>\n".format(word) # \n is optional here, makes it more legible
    s += "</ol>"
    return s
def makeHTMLRow(row):
    # row is list of elements (can be string or number)
    rowstring = "<tr>"
    for element in row:
        rowstring += "<td>{}</td>".format(element)
    rowstring += "</tr>"
    return rowstring

def makeHTMLTable(LofL):
    # LofL is list of lists of elements
    tabstring = '<table border="1">\n'
    for row in LofL:
        tabstring += makeHTMLRow(row) + "\n"
    tabstring += "</table>"
    return tabstring

# Here's how we can use the above functions to generate a webpage:

csvTable = loadCSVFile("files/name_and_wage_first10.txt")

table_html = makeHTMLTable(csvTable)
f = open("files/out_table.html","w")

# Here's a helper function that you may find useful when working with html
# We can use it to express some things more compactly, like so:

def inTags(tagname, content):
    return "<{}> {} </{}>".format(tagname, content, tagname)

def makeHTMLList2(words):
    items = ""
    for word in words:
        items += inTags("li", word)
    return inTags("ol", items)