Python Homework #13


  1. Write a function summarizeList(numberString). numberString is a string of numbers separated by commas, like so:
    This function should find the min, median, and max of the numbers, as well as the average. This function should return a string like the following:
    "The numbers range from 0 to 6; The median is 1.5. The average is 2.5
    Note: feel free to use builtin functions like sum() or string.format() in writing this.

    # ==== Test cases:
    #   should return: "Numbers range from 0.0 to 6.0; The median is 1.5; The average is 2.5"
    #    should return: "Numbers range from -10.0 to 5.0; The median is 2.5; The average is 0.0;"
    #    should return: "Numbers range from 2.6 to 15.0; The median is 8.0; The average is 7.55;"
    I recommend you approach the problem in steps, testing/printing at each step to make sure it works correctly.
    1. Just turn the string into a list of numbers and sort it
    2. Find the min, max, average (without the median)
    3. Create and return the correctly formatted output string
    4. Find the median, and make sure it's calculated correctly for all test cases