Pokedex Project

Download the following zip: pokedex_materials.zip It contains a csv of pokemon data, as well as some folders with images. This project will have you write python code to turn this data into a wiki (a "Pokedex") with multiple pages to display this info in a nice way.

Deadlines, submissions, grading

Phase 1 will be due on Monday the 6th by 8am. Make sure it's up ON HOMER. I will be checking your submissions in class on Monday. Make sure your phase one is in "homer.stuy.edu/~user/proj_phase1/..." - After you upload it, don't modify the phase1 directory, so I can see your original unmodified phase 1 site. - In the phase1 submission, upload your phase1 python code If you are not in class on Monday, make sure you put it up on homer and email me before 8:00am on monday to let me know. If it's not up on homer when I go to check it on monday, I will mark you as not having submitted phase1. If you have not submitted phase1 by monday, you will lose 5 points on your final project, even if the final submission is complete and on time. AS SOON AS YOU'VE SUBMITTED YOUR PHASE 1: - Make a separate directory "public_html/proj_final". - Don't make any changes to proj_phase1, do all further changes in proj_final The final submission will be due Friday the 10th at midnight. However, if you submit your final version by midnight on Wednesday, you will get 3 bonus points on your grade. For your final, make sure you upload it to homer in your "proj_final/" directory In your submissions, make sure to include: - Your name and class period - URL of your website for that phase (MUST BE ON http://homer.stuy.edu/~usernmae/proj_phase1/... or /proj_final/) - your .py file - description of any bonuses or extra features you added


Phase 1 (Due Monday 06/06)

- Your python program should read and parse the pokemon.csv file - It should write out an html file "allpokemon.html", with a table of all the pokemon - The table should include each pokemon's number, name, and types. - The table should not include any of the other columns in the csv - Add small images of each pokemon as the leftmost column of the table - At the top of your page, you should have: - an h1 header for the page - "Made by:", with your name and class period - a paragraph that gives your views on pokemon: e.g., video games are dumb / which version is best / which pokemon is most likely to be voted homecoming queen - The webpage you generate should be styled to look nice (or at least distinctive) - Your webpage should be up on homer.stuy.edu/... - IF IT IS NOT THERE, YOU WILL GET A 0, so make sure you check it, ideally from a separate computer or phone.

Phase 2 (Due Friday 06/10 ; Extra Credit if submitted by Wednesday)

- Your program should also create a separate page for each pokemon (i.e. 151 total pages) - Each pokemon's page should have: - a header with the name and number of the pokemon - a text description of the pokemon (note: the csv has "," replaced with ";" in the descriptions) - the type or types of the pokemon - a large image of it (i.e. scaled up) - all of the pokemon's stats, organized nicely together - a link back to allpokemon.html - Modify your allpokemon.html: - each pokemon's name in the table should now link to its individual page - Again, both your allpokemon.html and your individual pokemon pages should be laid out and styled nicely - Again, your webpage should be up on homer.stuy.edu/... - IF IT IS NOT THERE, YOU WILL GET A 0, so make sure you check the URL that you submit, ideally from a separate computer or phone.

Bonuses (worth extra points!):

- add a navbar to the top of each of your pages - here are instructions on how to make a navbar - Your navbar should be IDENTICAL across all pages (maybe make a helper function for it) - (the navbar is only really if you have more than 1 entry to put on it, i.e. if you do some of the other bonuses) - Since the pokemon are numbered, you can add links to next/previous pokemon on the individual pokemon pages - Pick a color to represent each of the 17 types, and color the table according to each pokemon's type (may need to color just the type cells) in the table appropriately - If you're feeling fancy, find/make some icons for the types, and add those in - Show both the front and back images for each pokemon - when hovering over a pokemon's image in the table or in next/prev, instead display its back - Make a "top 10" page of your 10 favorite / best / most unusual / etc. pokemon. - You should have at least a few sentences describing what it's a top 10 list of. - You should have a list of your pokemon, with a text description for each one of why it makes the cut - Modify your program to create 17 "type" pages, one for each type (fire, water, grass, etc) - Each "type" page should list a table of all pokemon that have that type as either their primary or secondary (i.e., all pokemon that are at least partially fire-type) - add links to each type page on allpokemon.html (ideally in a dropdown on your navbar) - if possible, make sure that all types you put in your html as text are also working links to the appropriate type page. - Use the "evolves from" column to add evolution information to your pokemon pages: - Display which other pokemon the current one evolved from, if any - Display which other pokemon the current one evolves into, if any - You should display at least the name and the link for these, not just their number - Does your evolution info work correctly for pokemon 133-136? - You can add any other pokemon-relevant features to this site that you like - If you do, please let me know in the comments-to-teacher box.


- IF YOUR IMAGES LOOK BLURRY: - adding style="image-rendering: pixelated;" to your img tag will prevent the browser from blurring them. - images are 96x96 pixels: if changing their size, scaling the width / height by a whole number will make them look nicest. i.e. width="192px" (2x size), not width="150px" - IF YOU GET WEIRD BROKEN UNICODE CHARACTERS: - make sure your html file starts with the following: <!DOCTYPE html> <html><head> <meta charset="utf-8"> ... - IF YOU CANT SEE A LISTING OF YOUR FILES AT homer.stuy.edu/~username - On a lab computer, open a terminal - COPY AND PASTE the following line into it - echo "Options +Indexes" > ~/public_html/.htaccess