Comments for ANNUAL INTRO COMP SCI 2 OF 2 - Period 9

          I used to use codecademy back in elementary to learn java and it was really useful. I checked out the HTML and it seems pretty easy to learn and the GUI is really nice to work with. Codecademy has a lot of courses so after you're done with the basics, you can continue with even more advanced topics. Also, there is a output box right next to the input which is really handy to immediately see if your code is valid or not.

          I like this website because it really breaks down everything about html in a digestible way. Also, I think there's less visual clutter on this website.

          Both websites let you practice writing the code yourself, but I like that learn-html gives you a specific task to do and checks your code for you. I also like that when you want to try writing a code yourself, you can do it on the same site, unlike w3schools, which opens a new tab for you. This website is very organized, and overall, is very easy to navigate.

          Codeacademy allows you to track your progress, and I like the use of slides in teaching.

          A directory, easy to use, clear and with example of code for the tags
          Accidentally submitted hw that was for today (Feb 9), this is a repost of what I said last week

          A pretty in-depth site, not the most beautiful site but quite good. I'd say it's better organized than w3schools, and it looks like it's more in-depth, but I'd need to explore both sites in much more depth to say if that's really true.

          The advantage that this has over the W3Schools site is that it has paragraph description and provides images with captions to learn and study. While W3Schools also have similar features, the formatting of Codecademy is more convenient for me personally because Codecademy has all the information on the same screen. Furthermore, if you type something wrong during practice sessions, it immediately appears red, meaning that you know exactly which part to fix. Additionally, everything is formatted and marked so you can start right where you left off and don't have to remember where you ended. I also found the formatting of the "practice problems/quizzes" of code academy more helpful than that of W3Schools. The practice sessions of W3schols were not bad, but the formatting was off to me, and the directions weren't clear enough.

          I find this source easier to use because it displays the results of the code (what the website looks like) on the same page as the explaination, so I can easily go back and forth to make the quick connections in my head. Just like W3 you can do a live demo of the code on the website as well.

      I found a HTML/CSS tutorial online made by that put all the main concepts of HTML in a very concise video. I felt that it was better than W3Schools because, especially for beginners, it gave the viewer less options when trying to learn how to code in HTML. While that may sound bad, it was less overwhelming for a beginner because they were not exposed to so much information at once.

          This website is very well organized and the language it uses is easy to understand.

      Code Academy is a good alternative to w3schools (sampler:

          to-html/exercises/intro). It is a bit more hands on and
          interactive for intros to css and html (so it's beginner friendly). Also there are reference/tip sheets kind of like the dictionary of terms w3school displayed.

          This website not only has HTML but also hundreds of other lessons and tutorials for further coding and learning. On top of that, its certifications are recognized by large real corporations who sponsor it and will accept the accomplishments that you achieve on this website. I sound like I'm sponsored by this platform, but at the end of the day I think it's really cool how it goes the extra step and lets people expand their horizons in terms of coding, not just HTML. Plus, it's got practice problems and projects too for you to tackle at the end of every course.

          I like this site because it sorts out the tags alphabetically and lays them out in a table with links, so it's easier to see; the information is presented clearly and in a more organized way. Moreover, it gives a summary of what the tag is for and provides a link for further explanation and examples.

      I personally found this site quite useful:

          I think that the W3Schools site is rather well designed and thought out, but I think that one benefit of devdocs is just how much simpler it looks to me. The W3Schools site has a lot of different things going on and to be honest, it wasn't the easiest thing to navigate. However, I think that devdocs offers the really simple function that W3Schools already has, a dictionary of HTML, almost like the netlogo dictionary. I think that for me, the devdocs site just looks a lot easier to navigate and understand. However, I do acknowledge that W3Schools has a much more in depth view of HTML and covers A LOT.

          I feel like this site is simpler to understand and has a step by step teaching process.

          I recommend this website to help you learn HTML because I like the way it's organized. There is a table of contents that organizes all the topics of HTML. When you click on a topic it takes you to a page that teaches you all about that topic in html.

          I quite like the geeks for geeks site, because it not only provides definitions, but it provides code examples and how it appears once run by a browser. It also doesn't rely too heavily on other HTML-specific words to define things.

          HTML.COM is better than the W3Schools site, in that HTML.COM groups a lot of the information that is discussed in the first few sections in the side bar on W3Schools into one article, which allows a more natural progression of reading and developing code than having to toggle from one place to another. Further, HTML.COM lists the pros and cons of different text editors, which is beneficial in that you can compare one text editor to another, while also telling you what not to use (like Microsoft Word).

          I think it's a bit better than because of how it's simpler to navigate and has all the information on a single page (drawback could be trying to find a specific topic, since you'll have to scroll quite a bit)

      The Odin Project's html course covers a wide range of material with instruction and activities to work on. It is better than W3Schools because it has more in depth explanations of some of the phenomena in HTML.

          It is organized by difficulty and explains the basics of HTML better in my opinion. However, it only covers HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.



          I personally like the mozilla developer html reference because it's essentially just an html documentation. There's nothing excluded, it's organized and there's descriptions for everything. It's similar to using the full netlogo reference.
          There is a link for the mozilla css reference, but it's not as useful because when I look for css it's not for specific end designs and tricks so I usually go to and look for an article.Also the css-tricks website looks really good so it adds a layer of credibility and I trust their website with css.

          In my opinion, this is a much better site to use than for various reasons. The first being that in order to access all the free lessons, there must be an account made from an email address. The benefits of this are that if any student leaves and comes back to learning HTML, or if their computer crashes and they forgot where they left off, the account will help store and keep track of the progress. Also, the website seems to be much more interactive, with "hands-on" learning being used here as the lessons consist of multiple parts, filled with paragraphs of information before eventually letting the user do activities themselves with HTML, even allowing users to access a smaller module right next to the lesson text in order to help them input specific lines of code and help them learn it more easily.

          This site is a bit more directly navigable, as you can access specific things about HTML easily from its sidebar and especially the search tool. Also, for many things DevDocs goes more in-depth in explaining when you can and can't use something.

          To me at least, this website is less overwhelming to navigate; the guide is organized into multiple lessons that elaborate further on information given than in W3Schools.

          This site seems more user-friendly, and gives a bunch of reasons why to learn html & what html is, not just a tutorial.

Frank WONG:
          Sample page:

          It has a more detailed explanation than that provided on W3Schools, and also has a more easily accessible interactive "demo". It also links to other even more detailed specifications in case you need even more detail.

          This site is good for explaining the structures of HTML and how to troubleshoot issues that might have come up

          This site is good for referencing which tags to use and what they do along with characters that you can use

          This website is useful because it includes an index on the side. Also, it includes visual examples like pictures of the code in case the viewer is lost.

          Codecademy has interactive learning tutorials for HTML and CSS. Instead of just presenting strings of typed HTML code, like W3Schools, Codecademy forces you to type in the code yourself to fully grasp the concept.