Number of TicTacToe games and boards

In [7]:
''' Layout positions:
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
# layouts look like "_x_ox__o_"

import time

Wins = ((0,1,2),(3,4,5),(6,7,8),(0,3,6),(1,4,7),(2,5,8),(0,4,8),(2,4,6))

# Transformations
Rot90 = (6,3,0,7,4,1,8,5,2)
Rot180 = (8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0)
Rot270 = (2,5,8,1,4,7,0,3,6)
VertFlip= (2,1,0,5,4,3,8,7,6)
Transformations = ((Rot90,),(Rot180,),(Rot270,),(VertFlip,),(Rot90,VertFlip),(Rot180,VertFlip),(Rot270,VertFlip))

XWins = 0
OWins = 1
Draws = 2
NumBoards = 3
NumIrrBoards = 4
Stats = [0,0,0,0,0]

Boards = set()
IrrBoards = set()

# Given a current board, look at the entire game tree (the future from this board state) counting unique
#    wins and unique boards and unique irreducible board families along the way.
# Therefore CalcStats('_x_ox__o_') will look at all possibilities after this particular 4-move state,
#    and CalcStats('_________') will tell us the full results for the original question.

def CalcStats(sboard):
    lboard = list(sboard) # list version
    tboard = tuple(lboard) # tuple version
    # Add to Boards if not found there
    if tboard not in Boards:
    # Check Irreducible version
    # end of game?
    result = IsWin(sboard)
    if result == 'x':
        Stats[XWins] += 1
    if result == 'o':
        Stats[OWins] += 1
    if result == 'd':
        Stats[Draws] += 1
    # Not end of game: go to next possible moves
    next_move = 'x'
    if sboard.count('x') != sboard.count('o'): next_move = 'o'
    for i in range(9):
        if lboard[i] == '_':
            new_board = lboard[:]
            new_board[i] = next_move

# Try all transformations on this board, and if none of them are in the IrrBoards set, then add it.
def CheckIrr(lboard):
    for trans_family in Transformations:
        lboard2 = lboard[:]
        for trans in trans_family:
            tr_board = [-1]*9
            for i in range(9):
                tr_board[i] = lboard2[trans[i]]
            lboard2 = tr_board[:]
        if tuple(lboard2) in IrrBoards:
def IsWin(sboard):
    for awin in Wins:
        if sboard[awin[0]] != '_' and sboard[awin[0]] == sboard[awin[1]] and sboard[awin[1]] == sboard[awin[2]]:
            return sboard[awin[0]]
    if sboard.count('_') == 0:
        return 'd'
    return None

def main(sboard):
    global Stats, Boards, IrrBoards
    Stats = [0]*5
    Boards = set()
    IrrBoards = set()
    print('Num games',Stats[XWins]+Stats[OWins]+Stats[Draws])
    print('Num boards',len(Boards))
    print('Num irreducible boards',len(IrrBoards))
In [8]:
start = time.time()
print('elapsed time: %5.2f' % (time.time()-start))
XWins 131184
OWins 77904
Draws 46080
Num games 255168
Num boards 5478
Num irreducible boards 765
elapsed time:  6.79