String and character manipulation

An excellent list of string methods is here:

In fact, bookmark the page (I use it frequently):
The in operator is used to tell whether a substring (or single character) is inside a target string 'h' in 'hi there' → True
'h' in 'Hi there' → False
'the' in 'hi there' → True
'it' in 'hi there' → False
ord(c) will return the ASCII code for the single character c
The normal characters start at value 32 (for a space) with the ranges:
65 - 90  for A - Z
97 - 122 for a - z
48 - 57 for the characters 0 - 9
and lots of puncutation interspersed, and not many obsolete control-codes as well
ord('A') → 65
ord('2') → 50
ord('b') → 98
ord('+') → 43
chr(n) will return the character than has the ASCII code n
this is the inverse function to ord()
chr(65) → 'A'
chr(43) → '+'

chr(ord('A')) → 'A'
ord(chr(65))  → 65
The string method .find(t) will return the position of the first occurrence of the string t inside
the string calling the method.  Or return -1 if not found.
q = 'Hi there'
q.find('i') → 1
q.find('the') → 3
q.find('hi') → -1
q.find('red') → -1
q.find('i t') → 1
'George'.find('or') → 2
The string method .count(t) will return the number of occurrences of the string t inside
the string calling the method.
q = 'therefore this'
q.count('e') → 3
q.count('th') → 2
q.count('fort') → 0