Guide to HTML Forms Interaction

A Personal Web Server To do quick development and easy debugging, you should have a web server running on your own computer.  Here is a simple one for Windows, with installation instructions...
Using Stuy's web server If you can't get a personal web server running, and/or you want to use the school's web server...
The HTML Form elements Here's a quick introduction to the major HTML form elements that the user can fill in.
The Python "back-end" program Here's a sample Python program that retrieves and processes the form elements that were transmitted to it.
Sample live HTML web page
The Python program that answers it
Here's a live example of a questioning web page and its answering Python program
Python CGI Programming Here's an excellent external guide to CGI (interactive forms) programming in Python.
Python Program Checker If you've put your Python program onto one of the Stuy servers and it doesn't work, try using this Python Program Checker.
gedit line endings selection

notepad++ line endings selection
If you're using either one of the following free text editors: gedit or notepad++, you can select the UNIX line-endings for your text and Python files, which will cure many line endings problems.  Be aware that notepad++ is not the same program as the standard notepad program that comes with Windows.