Transforming Homework

Here's what you're trying to duplicate:

At the beginning of  every execution of the draw() function, Processing's coordinate system automatically returns to the one that Processing starts with: namely the origin is at the top-left, with no rotation or scaling.

Here are some global arrays that indicate how to transform each ellipse:

color[] Colors = { color(255,0,0),  // red
                  color(0,255,0),  // green
                  color(0,0,255),  // blue
                  color(180,180,255)} ;
float[] Angles = {0,-PI/6,-PI/6,-PI/4,-PI/8,PI/2};  // initial (startup) angles
float[] Scales = {2,.5,1,.8,.5,1.5};  // scaling of each
float[] DeltaAngles = {0,-.01,-.02,.06,-.04,.08};  // additional angle on each draw()

void setup() {

void draw() { //good stuff here