1. Create the function Div23(n) that will return #t (true) if n is evenly divisible by 3 or divisble by 5 or both, otherwise will return #f. Examples:
(Div23 3) -> #t
(Div23 8) -> #f
(Div23 10) -> #t
(Div23 15) -> #t
2. Create the function f(x) which will be 2 when x <= 3, but will be x2 - 3x + 8 when x > 3. Examples:
f(0) = 2
f(3) = 2
f(5) = 18
3. Create the functions to convert temperature: a) from Celsius to Fahrenheit: c2f(cels) and b) Fahrenheit to Celsius: f2c(fahr). Examples:
c2f(0) -> 32
c2f(100) -> 212
f2c(212) -> 100
f2c(-40) -> ?