Scheme Exercises

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Group:     Exercise: 39/48 

Newton's Gravity:  Calculate the force between two objects using Newton's Law of Gravity

Create a function "gravity" that returns the force calculated by Newton's law of gravity.
(gravity 1 2 3) => 1.483111111111111e-011
(gravity 1000 2000 10) => 1.3347999999999997e-006
Newton's Law of Gravity allows us to calculate the gravitational force between two objects as follows:
Force = (G * m1 * m2) / (r^2)
G is a constant defined as 6.674 * 10^-11 , which can be written as 6.674e-11 in scheme. (You MUST use this value!)
m1, m2, and r are the numeric variables.