There are many ways to include color instructions inside
For instance, to color text red, we can use:
Alternatively, we can use <font style="color:red">
or, we can maximize the Red component of the RGB list of 3
colors: <font style="color:rgb(255,0,0)">
or, we can do the maximizing using hexadecimal numbers:
<font style="color:#ff0000">
If we want to use color-words, like "red",
"blue", etc... we need to know which color-words are included in
HTML. Here is a source:
Alternatively, one can choose from a chart of the colors
themselves. There are several web pages to help us out. Here are
There are other places on a web page that we can
color. For instance, we can color the background of the entire web
page -- we did it on this page with
<body style="background-color:#CEECF5">
We colored the borders of this table with: <table border="1" bordercolor="#800000"> |
And the background of just this table
cell with <td bgcolor="#FFCCFF"> |