
A Dictionary contains a group of key/value pairs  -- like the name of a person (the key) and her GPA (the value), or the name of a department at Stuy (as the key) and the list of teachers in that department (the value).  There are restrictions on what kinds of datatypes are allowed to be keys in a dictionaries -- for instance, lists are not allowed but tuples are.  We will typically use strings for keys.  However, there are almost no restrictions on values -- they can be strings, numbers, lists, other dictionaries, dictionaries of dictionaries, elephants, etc.

For instance, we can keep track of who/what people like:

we_like={'Harry':'Ginny','Ron':'Hermione','Voldy':'a nose'}

But we can get more strange:

huh={'Bernie':'revolution','Cruz':['humor','straight eyebrows'],'Trump':10000000000.13}

['humor','straight eyebrows']

Here are some dictionary operations:

>>> # create an empty dictionary
>>> fred={}
>>> # add two entries
>>> fred['George']=45
>>> fred['Harry']='blob'
>>> print(fred)
>>> # notice that there's no guaranteed order of key/value pairs inside the dictionary
>>> # retrieve one of the entries
>>> print(fred['Harry'])
>>> # try to retrieve an entry that's not in the dictionary
>>> print(fred['Ginny'])
KeyError: 'Ginny'
>>> # if you're not sure that the key is in the dictionary, check before trying to retrieve it...
>>> if 'George' in fred:
>>> # or use the .get() method, which gives you a default value if the key you're asking for is not in the dictionary...
>>> print(fred.get('Ginny','blah'))
>>> print(fred.get('Harry','dorp'))
>>> # add more entries (notice that several entries can have the same value)
>>> fred['Voldy']='blob'
>>> fred['Peter']=42
>>> # delete an entry
>>> del fred['George']
>>> print(fred)
>>> # get a list of all the keys -- be sure to convert fred.keys() into a list using the list() function
>>> the_keys=list(fred.keys())
>>> print(the_keys)
>>> # print the contents of the dictionary nicely, in alphabetical order by name
>>> the_keys.sort() # put the keys in alpha order
>>> for akey in the_keys:
print ('%s loves %s' % (akey,str(fred[akey]))) # make sure the value is a string
Harry loves blob
Peter loves 42
Voldy loves blob

Lots more dictionary methods...  (this list is for Python 2.7, but most of the methods are also available in Python 3.8 except for dict.has_key())